chernyshevsky/lerner-- an additional comment

Alexandra Smith Alexandra.Smith at ED.AC.UK
Fri Aug 24 11:02:38 UTC 2007

Dear Professor Hill,

In order to avoid any confusion, I would like to specify that my  
reference (in the previous message on Chernyshevsky) to the play on  
Chernyshevsky (1929) was related to Nikolai Nikolaevich Lerner (not  
NIKOLAI OSIPOVICH, the Pushkin schoar!), a writer and an author of  
several plays on Russian history, Pushkin and Decembrists.His play  
POET I TSAR was turned into a film in 1927 (discussed in Stephanie    
Sandler's book on the Pushkin myth).
The list of his plays and books (as featured in the Dictionary of  
Literary History) includes: Nikolai 1 (1922); Favoritka Petra (1924);  
Pushkin i Nikolai (1927); Nikolai Chernyshevsky (1929) and "V sele  
Mikhailovskom. Utaennaia liubov'" (1929).

All best,

Alexandra Smith (PhD, University of London)
Lecturer in Russian
School of European Languages and Cultures
The University of Edinburgh
David Hume Tower
George Square
Edinburgh EX8 9JX

tel. +44-(0)131-6511381
fax: +44- (0)131- 650-3604
e-mail: Alexandra.Smith at

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