Seminar in Petersburg for translators of Russian literature

Robert Chandler kcf19 at DIAL.PIPEX.COM
Thu Oct 25 07:14:54 UTC 2007

Dear all,

I am going in early November to a seminar in Petersburg, arranged by the
Likhachev Foundation together with the Pushkinsky dom, for translators of
Russian literature into different languages.

We are supposed to be attempting to answer the following questions:

1. Kak segodnya obstoyat dela s perevodom russkoi klassicheskoi i
sovremennoi literatury, prozy i poezii, na yazyk Vashei strany?
2. Rol¹ perevodchikov russkoi literatury v populyarizacii obraza Rossii.
3. Tradicii massovyh i akademicheskih izdaniy russkoi perevodnoi literatury
vchera i segodnya. Russkaya literature na sovremennom knizhnom rynke.
4. Opyt perevoda trudnyh v yazykovom i stilisticheskom otnoshenii tekstov i
pisatelei (byliny, literatura domongolskoi Rusi, Gogol, Leskov, Andrei
Belyi, Platonov i dr.).
5. V chem mozhet sostoyat sodeistvie Mezhdunarodnogo Centra perevodchikov
russkoi literatury rabote perevodchikov segodnya? Kakie obuchauyshie
programmy, po Vashemu mneniu, mogut byt polezny?
These questions can be summarized as follows:
ŒHow much international interest is there today in Russian literature? How
important are translators, and publishers, in conveying an image of Russia?
Do you have any thoughts about the translation of stylistically difficult
writers (Gogol, Leskov, Bely, Platonov)? What can the newly-formed
International Centre for Translators of Russian Lilterature in Petersburg do
to help translators and, I suppose, their publishers?

If any of you have anything you would like me to convey to this seminar,
I¹ll be only too happy to do so!

Best wishes,


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