3-year position in Russian language

Laura Janda lajanda at EMAIL.UNC.EDU
Mon Jul 6 11:14:46 UTC 2009

Dear Colleagues,
    Below is an announcement for a three-year replacement position in
Russian language and linguistics at the University of Tromsø for 2010-2012.
We expect to hire either an associate professor or a lecturer with native or
near-native competency in Russian and good competence in Norwegian or
another Scandinavian language. A candidate with research interests that are
compatible with our research group (
http://uit.no/humfak/8775/?PHPSESSID=4c08b00eee8573ba9e5daefedfb2d96f) will
be preferred. The deadline for applications is August 15, 2009. For further
information, please read the description below. Additional questions may be
directed to: Tore Nesset, tel. +47 77 64 56 33, e-mail: tore.nesset at uit.no.

Position number: 2009/4303
Associate Professor/University Lecturer in Russian Linguistics at the
Faculty of Humanities, Department of language and linguistics (temporary
position) for the period 1.1.2010–31.12.2012)
Application deadline: 15 August 2009
The following reference number must be quoted in your application: Ref.
The University of Tromsø has a vacant temporary position for an associate
professor or university lecturer in Russian linguistics for the period
For further information, please contact: Head of Department Endre Mørck,
tel. +47 77 64 42 38, e-mail: endre.morck at uit.no or Tore Nesset, tel. +47 77
64 56 33, e-mail: tore.nesset at uit.no.
For appointment as an associate professor, the minimum requirement is a
Norwegian doctorate degree or an equivalent qualification. For appointment
as a university lecturer the minimum requirement is a master’s degree or
equivalent. (See more details below.)
In addition, applicants must be able to document teaching qualifications
either by having attended a seminar on university-level teacher, other
teaching education or having collected a teaching portfolio. In special
circumstances, documented practical teaching skills may also be assessed as
sufficient. Since this is a temporary position, the requirement for teaching
qualifications may be weighted less in certain cases. Teaching portfolio,
cf.: http://uit.no/iplu/6637/13 <http://uit.no/iplu/6637/13> .
The applicant should have a good command of Norwegian or another
Scandinavian language. (See more details below.)
For associate professor the following rule is the norm:
In principle each employee at this rank shall divide her/his working time
equally between teaching and research/research-related tasks and research
administration when specified time for other tasks has been deducted. 5 % of
working time is deducted for administrative tasks.
For university lecturer the following rule is the norm:
In principle each employee at this rank shall use up to 20 % of their
working time for research/research-related tasks and research administration
and 80 % for teaching, when specified time for other tasks has been
deducted. 5 % of working time is deducted for administrative tasks.
For appointment as an associate professor, the minimum requirement is a
doctorate degree and master’s degree in Russian linguistics or an equivalent
qualification. For appointment as university lecturer the minimum
requirement is a master’s degree in Russian linguistics or equivalent. It is
required that the applicant has a formal background and teaching experience
in Russian as a foreign language. Applicants with a research profile which
is relevant for the research in Russian which is taking place at the
Department of language and linguistics (see http://uit.no/humfak/8775/1
<http://uit.no/humfak/8775/1> ) will be preferred. The person appointed for
the position should have native speaker competence or near-native speaker
competence in Russian and be able to teach practical Russian at all levels
(bachelor, master and ph.d.) and supervise students both at lower and higher
levels. In addition it may be necessary to teach in joint and
interdisciplinary courses, depending on the appointee’s competence and the
interests of the Department.
The successful applicant must be willing to engage himself/herself in the
ongoing development of his/her discipline and the university as a whole.
The remuneration for associate professor is in accordance with the State
wage scale code 1011. A university lecturer will be paid in accordance with
the State wage scale code 1009.
A compulsory contribution of 2 % is made to the Norwegian State Pension Fund
The position is based in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of
Tromsø. The faculty has approximately 120 permanent positions, of which 20
provide technical and administrative support. The Faculty conducts research,
teaching and scholarly work in Comparative Literature, General Linguistics,
Information and Library Science, English, Finnish, French, Greek and Latin,
Art, Scandinavian Languages (and creative writing), Russian, Sámi, Spanish
and German. Scholarly positions are grouped in two departments based on
research discipline, the Department of Culture and Literature, and the
Department of Languages and Linguistics. In addition, the Center for
Advanced Study in Theoretical Linguistics - A Norwegian Center of Excellence
(CASTL) is located in the Faculty. The position announced herein is based in
the Department of Languages and Linguistics.
The current strategic areas of research supported in the Faculty relate to
investigation of the cultures of the Circumpolar region (broadly understood)
and theoretical linguistics.
Applicants will be assessed by an expert committee. Primary emphasis will be
placed on assessment of submitted scientific works. Teaching qualifications,
popularisation/ dissemination and policy and administration work will also
be considered. 
Information and material to be considered must be submitted within the
closing date for applications. Applicants must provide names of possible
The University of Tromsø wishes to increase the proportion of female
researchers. In the event that two or more applicants are found to be
approximately equally qualified, female applicants will be given priority.
Applicants shall also complete and submit the form regarding teaching
qualifications, http://uit.no/persok/arbeidsforhold/6.
Applicants must submit a list of all their scientific works including
details of publication.
The application is to be submitted electronically on the application form
available at: www.jobbnorge.no <http://www.jobbnorge.no/> .
In addition, the application, including CV, certified copies of diplomas and
references, the completed form regarding teaching qualifications and the
list of scientific works, must be sent – in five copies – within the closing
date for applications, directly to:
Det humanistiske fakultet
Universitetet i Tromsø
SCIENTIFIC WORKS – published or unpublished –  that the applicant wishes to
be taken into consideration during the evaluation process must be submitted
in three copies arranged as three complete sets. The scientific works shall
be sent, within the closing date for applications, directly to:
Det humanistiske fakultet
Universitetet i Tromsø
Applicants shall also refer to Supplementary regulations for appointment to
teaching and research positions at the University of Tromsø (in Norwegian
only) and Regulations for employment and promotion for teaching and research
positions (in Norwegian only), http://uit.no/persok/arbeidsforhold/6
<http://uit.no/persok/arbeidsforhold/6> .
Questions concerning the organisation of the working environment, such as
the physical state of the place of employment, health service, possibility
for flexible working hours, part time, etc. may be directed to the telephone
reference in the advertisement. According to personnel policy objectives
that the staff shall reflect the composition of the population in general,
both with respect to gender and cultural multiplicity, women and persons
with a minority ethnic background in particular are encouraged to apply. The
University of Tromsø is an IW (Inclusive Workplace) enterprise, and will try
to adapt the working conditions for employees with impaired capacity.
In case of discrepancies between the Norwegian and the English version of
this description, the Norwegian version takes precedence.
Fakultetet har om lag 120 faste stillingar, av dei er ca. 20
teknisk/administrative. Fakultetet driv forsking, undervisning og
utetterretta verksemd i allmenn litteraturvitskap, allmenn språkvitskap,
dokumentasjons­vitskap med bibliotekkunnskap, engelsk, finsk, fransk, greske
og latinske studium, kunstvitskap, nordisk med forfattarstudium, russisk,
samisk, spansk og tysk. Dei vitskaplege stillingane er organiserte i to
store institutt basert på forskingsdisiplinar, Institutt for kultur og
litteratur og Institutt for språkvitskap. Center for Advanced Study in
Theoretical Linguistics - A Norwegian Center of Excellence (CASTL) er òg
lokalisert ved fakultetet. Stillinga som er lyst ut, er knytt til Institutt
for språkvitskap.
Fakultetet sine forskingssatsingar er for tida knytte til utforsking av
kulturane i nordområda i vid meining og til teoretisk lingvistikk.
Søkjarane vil bli vurderte av ein sakkunnig komité. Hovudvekta blir lagt på
evalueringa av dei innleverte vitskaplege arbeida. Det vil dessutan bli lagt
vekt på pedagogiske kvalifikasjonar, erfaring frå popularisering/formidling,
fagpolitisk og administrativt arbeid.
Opplysningar og materiale som ein skal ta omsyn til i vurderinga, må være
innlevert innan søknadsfristen. Eventuelle referansar må oppgjevast.
Universitetet i Tromsø ønskjer å rekruttere kvinner til forsking. Dersom to
eller fleire søkjarar blir funne tilnærma likeverdig kvalifiserte, vil
Universitetet stille kvinner framfor menn.
Eige skjema om pedagogiske kvalifikasjonar må fyllast ut og leggjast ved
søknaden, http://uit.no/persok/arbeidsforhold/6.
Ei liste over alle arbeida til søkjaren, med opplysningar om kor dei er
offentleggjorde, må leggjast ved søknaden.
Søknad skal sendast elektronisk via ”Søk denne stilling” på denne siden.
I tillegg skal søknad med CV, stadfesta kopiar av vitnemål og attestar,
skjema over pedagogiske kvalifikasjonar og lista over arbeid sendast innan
søknadsfristens – i 5 eksemplar – direkte til:
Det humanistiske fakultet
Universitetet i Tromsø
ARBEID - publiserte eller upubliserte - som søkjaren ønskjer det skal bli
tatt omsyn til i vurderinga, må leverast i 3 eksemplar og vere ordna i 3
komplette sett. Arbeida skal sendast innan søknadsfristen direkte til:
Det humanistiske fakultet
Universitetet i Tromsø
Vi viser elles til ”Utfyllende bestemmelser for tilsetting i undervisnings-
og forskerstillinger ved Universitetet i Tromsø" og til ”Forskrift om
ansettelse og opprykk i undervisnings- og forskerstillinger:
Førespurnad om korleis arbeidsmiljøet er tilrettelagt, korleis arbeidsstaden
er utforma fysisk, helseteneste, mogligheiter for fleksitid, deltid o.l.,
kan ein rette til telefonreferansen.
På bakgrunn av eit personalpolitisk mål om at arbeidsstaben skal spegle
samansettinga av befolkninga generelt, både når det gjeld kjønn og kulturelt
mangfald, oppfordrar vi spesielt personar med minoritetsbakgrunn til å
søkje. Universitetet er IA-verksemd og vil freiste å leggje arbeidsforholda
til rette for tilsette med redusert funksjonsevne.



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