Translation: Genealogy microfilms from LDS (Russian conscription lists)

Vera Beljakova atacama at GLOBAL.CO.ZA
Wed Jun 10 21:05:22 UTC 2009

A colleague of mine wishes to publish a book based on the contents of Russian Army conscriptions lists which are now on microfilms lodged with the (Latter Day Saints) for family history purposes.  These come in reels, but he lives in the USA therefore I can't help him from South Africa.

He is looking for someone who can translate and transcribe 19th c. Russian handwritten
conscription call up lists (for military service), but many of the names will be German transcriptions into Russian, so the translator must know Russian 19th military terminology (for army ranks) and also know good German, to be able to translate russified and Russian transcriptions of German proper nouns. Eger/Jaefer; Vilgelm / Wilhelm;  Ivan/Johan; Bogdan/Gottlieb, Gerbert/Herbert...etc...

And he would also like to know how one works out a rate for such translations, which might some in the form of microfilms. Are such rates calculated per word, per reels,  per page ?

If you wish, contact me privately.

Kind regards,

Vera Beljakova




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