ACLS updated East European Grants Website

Eszter Csicsai ecsicsai at ACLS.ORG
Fri Nov 20 17:14:07 UTC 2009

The American Council of Learned Societies is proud to announce that we have 
revised the guidelines and application instructions for our Title VIII-sponsored 
East European Language, Conference and Travel Grants. 

For parties interested in applying, deadlines for our programs are as follows:

Language Grants to Individuals for Summer Study—January 15, 2010
Language Grants to Institutions for Summer Courses—January 15, 2010
Heritage Speakers Research Grant—January 15, 2010
Conference Grants—January 29, 2010
Travel Grants—January 29, 2010

For further information and to view our revised guidelines and application 
instructions, please visit

The funding of the East European Studies Program is appropriated by the U.S. 
Congress and administered by the U.S. Department of State under the 
Research and Training for Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the 
Former Soviet Union Act of 1983 as amended (Title VIII), whose purpose is 
the development of expertise in the United States needed for broad knowledge 
and analysis of developments in this critical world area.  Support is once again 
available from Title VIII for language study and research related to all East 
European Countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech 
Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Kosovo/a, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, 
Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia.

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