The plight of Boris V. Sokolov

Fri Oct 16 19:29:35 UTC 2009

SEELANGS Colleagues,

     This is just to apprise you of the plight of well published Russian scholar of literature and history Boris Vadimovich Sokolov (1957-- MGU Doctoral Habilitation in Philology, 1992 with a copious bibliography and impressive CV), who was dismissed from an editorial position with the newspaper GAZETA and pressured into resigning from his professorial position at the Russian State Sociological University (RSSU) after publishing an article critical of the Russian aggression in Georgia.  He is now seeking "other" sources of income and support…perhaps abroad.  A Russian Yandex search will show his ru.Wikipedia entry and other sources of information on this.  The question is: "Can we help him in any way?"  Thanks for your attention.

                Lee B. Croft, Arizona State University, SILC-GRS (Russian)

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