The crass style of folklore: correction

Boris Dralyuk ingsoc at
Mon Sep 27 14:52:03 UTC 2010

Like Olga, I think Will has a great point!  Cf. the usage of "не честь мне" in Leskov's "Kotin doilets i Platonida":

"Вдова быстро встала с постели, спешной рукой затворила за улетевшею бабочкой открытую раму и молвила: «Грех мне! не честь мне; не след мне валять по полу его подушки! » С этими словами она подняла подушки с полу и положила их на пустую лежанку. В эту минуту ей послышалось, что у нее за дверью кто-то вздохнул. Платонида схватила еще торопливее те же самые подушки и, положив их на диван под святые, быстро отошла от них прочь и стала у своей кровати."

There, in a skazochnyi context, the word and particple also seem to be read as a single word.


Also, for the third question:

>Ivan's elder brother robs him of his various trophies.  Ivan returns to his
>city incognito and on foot.  But I don't understand the very last words in
>this paragraph.  What does на ряду mean here?
>Идет Иван-царевич пешком в свой град.  И зайди по питейным домам, с
>удальцами на ряду.

I'd like to posit "на ряду" -- which literally means "in a line" -- suggests that, dismounted from his horse and travelling incognito, Ivan is, to all appearnces, "just one of the boys."  He stands shoulder to shoulder with the rough-and-tumble commoners.

For what it's worth,

P.S.  I really hadn't meant to divert anything to my mailbox!  I haven't touched any account settings.  As I said, I'm completely inexperienced, and I hope I haven't done anything screwy...  It seems that most messages have gone through to the entire list, no?  At any rate, Paul, I'm very sorry if I've made any trouble for you.

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