Zelenin's version of "Po shchuchemu veleniyu" (Skazki Vyatskoi gubernii, no. 23

Robert Chandler kcf19 at DIAL.PIPEX.COM
Fri Apr 22 21:39:43 UTC 2011

Dear all,

This version is very vivid indeed, but full of difficulties - dialect words, obscenities, etc. 

The tale begins with Omelyanushko (as he is called here) lying on the stove, surrounded by piles of his own turds.  Later, when the tsar first sends soldiers to fetch him and the soldiers ask if he is at home, he replies, 'Doma!  Na pechke lezhu, komy glozhu.'  I assume he is saying he is eating his own shit.

Then the tsar sends a second regiment of soldiers.  Omelya replies, 'Дома! на печке лежу, колпака не валяю!  видал, да редко мигал!  Некого не боюся!' ('Doma! na pechke lezhu, kolpaka ne valyayu!... vidal, da redko migal!  Nekogo ne boyusya!') 
I understand "колпака не валяю!" as meaning something like 'I don't doff my cap to anyone.'  Is that right?  But I do not understand "видал, да редко мигал!"  

Later, he goes to the tsar's palace and the tsarevna (rather surprisingly called Marya Chernyavka ??!!) falls in love with him.  The soldiers tell the tsar that she is not eating or drinking, just weeping... "кисейны рукава затирает, свои глаза доводит."  

What is she doing with her sleeves?  Is she rubbing her eyes to dry her tears and somehow making them sore?

All the best,


Robert Chandler, 42 Milson Road, London, W14 OLD

tel. +44 207 603 3862

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