Skazki: Platonov, Zelenin, Balashov

Elena Ostrovskaya elena.ostrovskaya at GMAIL.COM
Mon Apr 25 06:51:15 UTC 2011

Dear Robert,

On the bathhouse fairytale:

> 1. из бани: Is it SHE who comes out of the bathhouse?  Or is it more that she taken the whip from there?

I think she was kind of hiding in the banya and as he came round she
stroke him with the whip from [her hiding place in] the banya.

> 2. More importantly, the last sentence entirely defeats me.  I cannot fit together the  какая ... какого ...какой

It is another elliptic sentence. The girls are competing in 1) how
many times each of them can strike her stallion and 2) whose stallion
is faster. The full original sentence would be something like this:
 И скачут, [соревнуясь в том], [с]колько какая [из них] может какого
[жеребца = своего жеребца] ударить, какой [жеребец] бойчее всех

Elena Ostrovskaya

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