Call for submissions: The NEP Era: Soviet Russia, 1921-1928

Barbara Allen bca1917 at YAHOO.COM
Fri Mar 4 15:40:49 UTC 2011

The annual journal "The NEP Era:  Soviet Russia, 1921-1928"  seeks
submissions of manuscripts on Soviet history and culture during the
1920s.  The journal publishes articles in English or Russian.  All
article submissions are subject to peer review.

Please send three anonymous copies of an article along with an
electronic version in MS Word, Word Perfect, or PDF (which may be
submitted separately by e-mail) to: Dr. Alexis Pogorelskin, Department
of History, University of Minnesota-Duluth, 1121 University Drive,
Duluth, MN 55812-2496, and email to: apogorel at

Manuscripts should be in a standard font with one inch margins. The text
(including block quotes and endnotes) should be double-spaced. The
maximum length for an article is thirty-five double-spaced pages
(including endnotes), or nine thousand words. If, however, subject,
sources, or treatment warrant greater length, the journal will negotiate
an appropriate extension. Authors should adhere to The Chicago Manual of
Style (15th edition) and the Library of Congress transliteration system.

Please include your name, institutional affiliation, and current contact
information. We will acknowledge all submissions and endeavor to make
our decision concerning publication as soon as we are able, allowing for
the reports of at least two reviewers.

Submissions to The NEP Era should not have been previously published.
First publication of submissions should occur in this journal.

For more information about the journal, see its web site at
or its Facebook page at!/pages/The-NEP-Era-Soviet-Russia-1921-1928/300806644900


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