Translators sought

Beyer, Tom beyer at MIDDLEBURY.EDU
Sun Mar 6 13:49:17 UTC 2011

All Things If

"Michael (Misha) Shengaout" <michael at> is searching for translators of short Russian fiction for publication on his proposed site “All Things If.” The initial “critical mass” of the short fiction for translations from Russian will come from hand-picked stories from Samizdat ( Here are the links to the stories initially selected for the translation:

-      Марк Певзнер, «На закате эпохи»:
- Шимун Врочек, «Три мёртвых бога»:
- Юрий Никитин, «Сизиф»:
- Яна Тройнич, «Вор»:
- Михаил Шенгаут, «Восхождение»:

 All of the authors above have granted permission for translation and publication of these translations at the “All Things If” blog.

Modest compensation may be provided. This is an excellent opportunity not only for scholars working in contemporary prose but also for advanced students and graduate students.

Those interested should submit a sample two page translation of any of the above works directly to Mr. Sengaout  at michael at

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