The quick brown fox

Paul B. Gallagher paulbg at PBG-TRANSLATIONS.COM
Sun Mar 27 17:20:15 UTC 2011

Elena Ostrovskaya wrote:

> Съешь же еще этих мягких французских булочек, да выпей чаю
> is the standard.
> Here are more in different languages:
> <>


Not sure how they're counting the Korean one, but there seems to be a 
lot missing:

키스의 고유조건은 입술끼리 만나야 하고 특별한 기술은 필요치 않다.

Consonants not found:
ㅃ, ㅉ, ㄸ, ㅆ
pp, jj, tt, ss

These are all pure single consonants (tense, not geminate), typed with a 
single keystroke on a standard computer keyboard, but they go back to 
historical clusters that were reduced about 500 years ago, more or less. 
On the rudimentary phone keypad, they have to be typed with two 
keystrokes (ㅂㅂ, ㅈㅈ, ㄷㄷ, ㄱㄱ -- see 
<>, page 5).

The character ㅇ does appear as null initial ("this syllable doesn't 
have an initial consonant,") but not as /ŋ/ final ("this syllable ends 
with -ng").

Vowels not found:
ㅐ, ㅒ, ㅔ, ㅖ
ae, yae, e, ye
These are pure vowels, typed with a single keystroke (ㅒ, ㅖ with SHIFT, 
ㅐ, ㅔ without), but historically were diphthongs. On the phone keypad, 
they have to be composed with two or more keystrokes (e.g., ㅏㅣ for ㅐ).

Diphthongs not found:
ㅘ, ㅙ, ㅚ, ㅝ, ㅞ, ㅟ
wa, wae, oe, weo, we, wi
These may have been ignored because they are typed with two keystrokes each.

For those interested in keyboard layouts in many languages, here's a 
Wikipedia link:

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
pbg translations, inc.
"Russian Translations That Read Like Originals"

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