help locating Stravinsky quote

Marilyn Sizer marilynsizer at MSN.COM
Sat Dec 1 18:58:29 UTC 2012

Hello all,
Can anyone help me locate a copy (preferably electronic) of the following article?
Dvinskii, M.  “U Igoria Stravinskogo” Birzhevye vedomosti  25 September 1912, p. 5

or, I know that this article is quoted in the following volume:
Krasovskaia, V.  Russkii baletnyi teatr nachala XX veka, Vol. 1 p. 432.  

My library has only the second volume of the Krasovskaia, unfortunately.

I’m in a bit of a rush, so I haven’t accessed interlibrary loan.  

Thanks in advance,
Marilyn Sizer

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