Khlebnikov (+ another question, about the word безволода)

Alexandra Smith Alexandra.Smith at ED.AC.UK
Thu Mar 1 11:55:36 UTC 2012

Dear Maksym,

Thank you for your message. The word VOLOD appears in Boris  
Grinchenko's 4 volume dictionary published in 1907-1909. It was  
republished in 1958:
Словарь української мови / Упор. з дод. влас. матеріалу Б. Грінченко :  
в 4-х т. — К. : Вид-во Академії наук Української РСР, 1958.
Том 1, ст. 250.
I do like your suggestion but I also think that the blue sky in the  
poem  is presented as a typical utopian space. Of course the image  
might have several meanings.

All best,

Alexandra Smith (PhD, University of London)
Reader in Russian Studies
Department of European Languages and Cultures
School of  Languages, Literatures and Cultures
The University of Edinburgh
David Hume Tower
George Square
Edinburgh EH8 9JX

tel. +44-(0)131-6511381
fax: +44- (0)0131 651 1311
e-mail: Alexandra.Smith at

Quoting Maksym Popelysh-Rosochynsky  
<maksympopelyshrosochynsky2013 at U.NORTHWESTERN.EDU> on Thu, 1 Mar 2012  
00:20:49 -0600:

> Dear Alexandra,
> Ukrainian word for moisture is "волога", which is similar to Russian
> "влага".
> Similarly, "вологий" is "влажный" and it has nothing to do with "волод"
> root, unless you are using some specific Ukrainian dictionary that is not
> mentioned in your post.
> Denis is right to say that  "безволод" is contextual antonym for "Всеволод".
> Here are some parallels between Russian and Ukrainian:
> Влада = власть (power), владение = володiння, and Владимир = Володимир.
> "Вoлoдiти" is to have/to possess. That's why "Lord of the Rings" is
> translated as "Володар Перстенiв".
> I do not admire Khlebnikov's poem quoted here. But I do not think that
> "безволод"
> has anything to do with "cloudless/clear day" in the given context.

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