Dragan Milivojevic

Johnson, Emily D. emilydjohnson at OU.EDU
Fri Mar 2 15:07:16 UTC 2012

I am saddened to report that Dragan Milivojevic, Emeritus Professor of Russian at the University of Oklahoma, passed away last Friday following a brief illness.   Born in Belgrade, Serbia in 1929, Dragan was the son of a prominent attorney and a professor of French and from an early age showed an aptitude for languages.  He completed an undergraduate degree at the University of Belgrade and then, after defecting from Tito's Yugoslavia in 1952, went on to finish his Ph.D. in Linguistics at the University of Texas at Austin.   A polyglot who spoke at least six languages fluently and who could converse proficiently in more, Dragan taught briefly at Tulane University before settling into a permanent faculty position at the University of Oklahoma.  He played a pivotal role in the creation of the OU Russian program and is remembered very fondly by both faculty in OU's Department of Modern Languages, Literatures & Linguistics and by our alumni.  He was an enthusiastic teacher and a!
 lso a passionate advocate for study abroad.   As a scholar, Dragan is best remembered for his work on Slavic phonology and also for the volume of essays on Tolstoy and Buddhism that he edited.  He will be sorely missed.  

A more complete obituary for Dragan is posted at:


Dr. Emily Johnson
Associate Professor
Dept. of Modern Languages, Literatures & Linguistics
University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval, Room 206
Norman, OK 73019
phone: (405) 325-1486
fax: (405) 325-0103
emilydjohnson at ou.edu

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