Pussy Riot

Jamie Parsons jlpars at UMICH.EDU
Mon Mar 19 16:43:28 UTC 2012

Dear Vladimir Orlov,

     I also thought the discussion was over, but as you've decided to
continue it, I'll quickly reply.  This'll be my last post on the subject.
     I understood your previous post quite well, and I understand what
Pussy Riot has been charged with.  (Я очень хорошо читаю по-английски.)  My
contention is with the comparison that Esaulov draws in his original
article and that you seem to be defending by using a similar comparison: by
using the example of a neo-Nazi gathering at the Wailing Wall (or a
synagogue) as an analogy for the actions of PR at the Храм Христа
Спасителя, you are, in fact, equating feminists with Neo-Nazis.  This is
absurd.  Not only that, but you claim in an earlier post that you didn't
understand how you were saying the Russian Orthodox Church is in danger in
Russia.  I'll tell you how:* by comparing feminists, or anybody who vocally
demands changes in the Church's behavior, to Nazis.  *(Which you do by
using the comparison I mentioned above.)* * We all know what the Nazis did
to the Jews.  When you use this analogy - and Esaulov uses it much more
thoroughly and reprehensibly in his article - *you are saying that liberal
protestors,or feminist protestors, or whoever, want to do to the Russian
Orthodox Church what the Nazis did to the Jews*.  This is how analogies

       Jamie L. Parsons

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 11:29 AM, Vladimir Orlov
<v.orlov05 at googlemail.com>wrote:

> Dear All,
> I hoped we have already finished the discussion,
> wishful thinking as I see. ))
> Dear Jamie Parsons,
> please read my post once again,
> this point no. 2 was my general observation,
> but PR is accused EXACTLY for the same thing as your example shows,
> for the public disturbance (aka hooliganism), not for the blasphemy of
> any sort;
> and I repeat, this is not merit 7 years; the article sounds that it
> merits UP to 8 years.
> If they are charged that much I will only agree with you.
> "The country of the incident has merely been changed"
> Quite a generalising observation. Are we back to the Cold War again?
> Re: Maxim Marusenkov
> I got your point, thank you.
> In my opinion, however, the article of Belkovsky -- who openly
> suggests to deligitimise the president, and to establish monarchy in
> Russia (for this purpose, to invite the monarch from the United
> Kingdom) -- is not the most reliable source in this matter, at least
> in a way you presented his view above.
> For the record: this crime in Dalny police station caused something
> like a national shock. They repeat the story every hour, they have
> suspended for investigation all the personnel at the police
> department, and disqualified all police officers, etc etc. If you have
> any more questions, please look up Russian news on this subject.
> I got your point on thhe Russian Orthodoxy,
> we can start another discussion here on in the new trend;
> I sense, however, that your opinion is already well established, and
> you would not need any objections or confronting opinions.
> Regards,
> Vladimir
> --
> Dr. Vladimir Orlov
> PhD in Musicology (Cantab)
> http://cambridge.academia.edu/VladimirOrlov
> Trustee of Cultural and Artistic Affairs, Russian Cambridge Foundation
> www.russiancambridge.org
> +7 8332 375760 (home)
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