On sending our gay students to Russia - or other diverse groups for that matter

Alina Israeli aisrael at AMERICAN.EDU
Fri Aug 9 16:50:59 UTC 2013

There are also European countries where there are Russian language  
programs and Russian is the language of the sizable minority:

Latvian capital wins bid to host Europride in 2015, coinciding with  
country's EU Presidency - See more at: http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/europride-riga-will-send-strong-signal-anti-gay-neighbors040912#sthash.wQPOqgSp.dpuf

I constantly get invitations for my students to study in Riga, there  
are a number of Russian language programs there.

On Aug 9, 2013, at 11:35 AM, Andrew Wachtel wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> For those people who are concerned about sending students who are  
> not straight white male and female students to Russia, I could  
> suggest that you consider sending them on an exchange to the  
> American University of Central Asia in Bishkek.

Alina Israeli
Associate Professor of Russian
WLC, American University
4400 Massachusetts Ave.
Washington DC 20016
(202) 885-2387 	fax (202) 885-1076
aisrael at american.edu

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