Call for Reviewers (Verges Vol. 2, Issue 2)

D Lockyer dlockyer at UVIC.CA
Tue Jun 25 09:59:10 UTC 2013

Dear Seelangers,


Call for Graduate Student Peer Reviewers!


The open-access, online graduate student journal, Verges: Germanic & Slavic
Studies in Review, is sending out a call for graduate student peer reviewers
for its Fall/Winter 2013 issue. At this time, we are looking for two
graduate student peer reviewers each for the three following general areas:


a)       Czech cultural history

b)       Russian linguistics, poetry, and translation

c)       Russian cognitive linguistics


Peer reviewers will be given a maximum of 2 weeks to complete their review
(approx. July 1 - 14). 


If interested, please send an email to the editors at gsreview at with
a brief bio stating your institution, credentials, and a list of the main
areas you would be prepared to review (your main areas of expertise) by June
30. Selected reviewers will be notified July 1. All reviewers will be fully
credited for their contribution in the journal issue. For more information
about the journal, please visit 


Thank you,

Dorota Lockyer.

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