English lakota Dictionary

Bruce Ingham bi1 at soas.ac.uk
Sat Oct 30 14:04:19 UTC 1999

Dear Bob
You may remember that we met at that very interesting Siouan Caddoan
conference in Regina in June.  It was a great pleasure for me to meet you all
there and the assembled members of the Sioux nation.  I don't know if I
mentioned it, but I have been compiling a n English lakota dictionary for some
time and my publishers Curzon Press had sent it to David Rood to report on.
He was generally positive about it and made many useful points, but said that
I might like to let you glance at the Historical intro where i talk about the
proposed Macro Siouan Phylum.  I have n't said that it is God's truth, but
said that it 'is fairly widely accepted' which I thought it was.  I will send
it to you anyway and if you find time to have a look and make any comments you
would like to I would be very grateful.  As you may realize, I'm out at 'the
end of the village' Ihanktunwan over here and do not know what the rest of the
Siouanist community  think about things in general.  My aim in the dictionary
is to make it useable for both Indians and non-Indians and have put in a lot
of examples of usage from the various written texts and tapes to hand. I am on
sabbaticaland only come in here infrequently.  So I will not wait for a reply,
but will send the thing to you by post from home.  I don't want you to edit
the whole thing (unless you feel like it), but would appreciate any general
comments.  Best wishes.

Bruce Ingham
Reader in Arabic Linguistic Studies

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