Tense, aspect and time in Siouan.

Koontz John E John.Koontz at colorado.edu
Thu Jun 22 15:59:35 UTC 2000

On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, R. Rankin wrote:
> OP    iN ~ aN ~ aaN  'use'

The first iN would be the 'use (tobacco)' example.

> The 'be' meaning for *?uN is also found at least in Winnebago ?u:N 'do,
> make be, wear'.

Ah, this reminds me that there are several cases where Omaha-Ponca uses
the idiom 'to make' as 'to consider as'.  One is the causative-based
possessive with kinshiop terms, which also occurs in Dakotan and in
Winnebago.  The other uses gaghe as far as I can recall.  The example was
literally something like 'why do you make me a fool?'.  This is something
like 'make out as/make out to be' in English.  From 'to be considered as'
to 'to be' is not a long stretch.


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