CHIWERE etymology

Robert L. Rankin rankin at
Sat Mar 4 16:07:05 UTC 2000

I suspect so, but cannot be sure at the moment.  My impression is that
the particles can be temporal, spatial or locative.  This may depend on
context and language.  I was painting with a very broad brush in my
statement.  John probably understands these better than I do.

Nor can I speak for Dakotan.  John mentioned that I was "diffident"
about DA.  Actually, I sometimes speak up about it, but usually am
terrified to say anything because so many of our members have made
detailed studies of that language.  :)


> Could there also be an element of "time" involved with these deictic
> strings. In Dakotan these have notions of space and /or time. Does that
> occur as well in Chiwere?

> They are deictic particles of various kinds with individual
> > meanings like 'this, that, yon; here, there, yonder; now, then, yore'
> > etc.

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