Two argument statives.

R. Rankin r.rankin at
Wed May 24 02:54:24 UTC 2000


Many thanks for your contributions.  Dakotan certainly seems to have a lot more
stative verbs than many or most of the other Siouan languages.  I sort of
doubted that fact when it was brought to my attention by Dr. Regina Pustet, but
I no longer do.

> There might be a reason (one that I am not aware of) why you didn't include
> tha'wa (Buechel's Lakota Grammar  #118, 3b, p. 210) in your list, for it
> seems well known (I think it's somewhere in Boas&Deloria, too):
> Mani'thawa I am thine.
> Nimi'thawa Thou art mine.

I've discussed this one with several other Siouanists and I think there is a
lack of agreement on whether the bound stem -tha(wE) is a verb or not.  But you
are certainly right that it is felt to be a verb by some.

> Another one is:
> ini'haN - to fear someone/something (ini'manihaN - I fear you).
> I do not have Legendre and Rood (1992) and Quintero (1997) so I am not
> informed up-to-date. Anyway, here is a list of other verbs that are
> theoretically 2 argument statives (I think); unfortunately I have no
> evidence of their "-mani-" or "-nima-" form:

Many thanks.  The list at least gives other Siouanists a good place to start
looking.  I agree that they are all good potentials.  Rood and Taylor's Lakhota
Sketch in the Handbook of North American Indians, vol. 17, p. 468, mentions
that in two argument stative verbs the order of 1st and 2nd person affixes is
always "ni-" then "ma-" "regardless of the grammatical functions of the
affixes.  The meaning of verbal forms of this kind is therefore ambiguous."

> iyo'waz^a (< owa'z^a) - to be of someone's business (iyo'mawaz^a - it is of
> my business)
> iki'phi - to fit for; be worth of (ima'kiphi - I fit for it / I am worth of
> it)
> ima'g^g^a - to be amused with (ima'mag^g^a - I am amused with it)
> ic^a'h^taka - to bump into (ima'k^ah^take - I bumped into it)
> ic^a'kiz^a - to suffer because of (ima'kakiz^e - I suffer because of it)
> itho'kapha - to be elder than (mitho'kapha - I am elder than him)
> i'thokec^a - be different from (i'mathokec^a - I different from him)
> iwa's^te - to benefit from (ima'was^te - I benefit from it)
> iwa'tokhiya - to be worried / concerned about (iwa'matokhiya)
> iyóyaka - to be aggrieved by (iyo'mayake - I am aggrieved by it/him)
> i'yakhapha - to surpass something / someone (i'yamakhaphe - I surpass
> it/him)
> iyo's^niz^a - to be dazzled by  (iyo'mas^niz^a)
> iyu'taN - to be tempted by (ima'yutaN - I am tempted by)
> iki'wiNkc^ekc^e - to loose interest in something (ima'kiwiNkc^ekc^e - I
> lost...)
> ic^a'g^i - to have something in one's way (ima'c^ag^i - I have something in
> my way)
> a'khilehaNkec^a - to be of same size (a'khilemahaNkec^a)
> (there are many more beginning with a'khi- but you probably know these)
> > be proud of;
> I know of three "be proud of" statives:
> iwíNkta (ima'wiNkta)
> ig^uN'g^a (ima'g^uNg^e)
> i'taN (i'mataN) (this one is perhaps just "be proud")
> Perhaps some of this will be helpful.

yes indeed.  Thank you.


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