Attn: Dhegihanists.

Koontz John E John.Koontz at
Wed May 2 18:49:46 UTC 2001

On Wed, 2 May 2001, Rankin, Robert L wrote:
> > contraction, cf. OP maNd ugdhiN 'sit in a boat', but in Kaw the underlying
> > d would still become j^ before the underlying e, right?
> Mmmm, probably not. Palatalization usually only remains throughout the
> paradigm in the case of the aspirate, /th/ > /ch/. So you do get yache'
> 'chew' and yachabe 'chew 3sg/pl' rather than the expected *yathabe. But with
> yuje 'taste, dip' the 3rd person is yudabe.

I was thinking of something like maNj^(e) *axpaye, where the (e) is
(hypothetically) lost when the two words are contracted.  Unfortunately OP
affrication is conditioned by affect, not environment, but isn't there a
famous (well, among comparative Siouanists) case in Chiwere of a similar
contraction leaving a c^(h) before a?  The only case I can remember
offhand is something like thiN for expected c^hiN, where the underlying
form is th(a)=iN.  I think the gloss is 'visible'.  The language may be
IO. If it's Ks, then it should be tt(a=)iN, of course.  OP has

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