Keying Popular Orthographies in MS Word

Koontz John E John.Koontz at
Wed May 2 21:33:33 UTC 2001

On Wed, 2 May 2001, Alan H. Hartley wrote:

> > raised n and h to indicate nasality and aspiration
> How about the tilde for nasalization?

Tildes are not very popular with Siouanists, because when combined over a
vowel with an acute accent they are awkward looking.  In fact, all
Americanists who need to combine accent or pitch marks with nasal vowels
tend to avoid tilde for this reason, e.g., also Tanoanists and
Athabascanists.  A tilde under the vowel would work (or the accent
there!), but I've not seen either approach.

However, assuming you have a font which provides pre-composed vowel-tilde
combinations, you could use the approach with autocorrection, such as it
is, to map aN, etc., to a<tilde>, etc.  Or the insert symbol, character
map, or KeyMap  approaches would work with tilde, too.

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