Siouan pluralizer.

Rankin, Robert L rankin at
Thu Jun 6 04:27:26 UTC 2002

I'm home, have checked the references on the pluralizer and have some
details and corrections to my note of this afternoon.

Plural is noted in Dorsey's Quapaw notes as /-awe/, e.g., iNte 'ache' vs.
/wa-Nte=awe/ ' ache' (stative pronominal).

Carolyn's Osage data that I used in my Ablaut paper includes Osage /s^te/
'you go' vs. /s^ta-ape/ ' go'.

Dakota /apa/ 'some', see Riggs, Dakota Grammar, p. 87, line 2 for two
different examples in the story "The Fallen Star".  Grammaticalized
/-Api/ 'plural' is presumably a doublet form of the independent word.

The final vowel is difficult to determine, but it is probably /-i/ or
/-e/.  The problem is that it combines with the enclitics that follow it,
including the feminine declarative /-e/ in Osage and Quapaw.

Probable related forms include Hidatsa /a:pi/ 'with (a unity)', from Wes
Jones and Crow /a':ppa:/ 'with', prob. from Randy.

The proto-Mississippi Valley form is /*ape/ and proto-Siouan most likely the

Sorry for the confusion this afternoon -- I was flying by the seat of my
pants with no references.

Irrealis */kte/ has the Biloxi cognate /te/ 'wish, want, sign of desire' in
Dorsey and Swanton (1912), BAE-B-47.  I suspect that's close to it's
original meaning.  I think there is a similar meaning in one of the northern

Great meeting!!  Kudos to Dick for a great job!


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