Dakota zipA cognates.

R. Rankin rankin at ku.edu
Sun Oct 13 18:23:51 UTC 2002

I've changed my mind on the possible loanword status of
Omaha -zibe.  It turns out that there are quite a few
related forms that tend to confirm it as a native
(probably pan-) Siouan root.  It's useful to look under
z^ as well as z, as there are clearly related forms.

di-zi'we  'pinch' (di- 'by hand, pulling')

yu-z^ipa  'pinch'
pa-z^ipa  'make penetrate, sting, stick w/ pin'

sipsipi'  'pitted'

Those forms are probably all cognate via fricative

There are one or two other roots with the same form(s)
that are probably just homophones.  They are
exemplified in various dictionaries.

One is to make a certain kind of noise.

z^iz^i'we  'mutter'
ziwe'        'cry out, scream'
na-z^i'we 'flush out w/ the feet'
Dakota had a somewhat similar term, but I forgot to
write it down.

Another is 'smooth, soft, mushy'

kaz^i'pa  'shave, plane smooth or flat'
Cf. 'pancake' also.

boozi'p  'mash by shooting' plus numerous other 'soft
and squishy, smooth' terms.

In any event, there seems to be quite a bit of evidence
for John's analysis of the -zipa in 'bow' as the
'penetrate, stick a hole in' root.


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