Information / nouns vs. verbs

Linda Cumberland lcumberl at
Sat Jan 11 20:33:14 UTC 2003

> I take it that Assiniboine lacks that -wa extension that occurs with
> separate tha- in Teton (I think)?

I'm not ready to go out on a limb for this, but it appears that thawa
is used independently, as in tuwe thawa he 'whose is it?' or wowapi
zhe John thawa 'that letter is for John", but shortens to tha when it
modifies a noun, as in thi tha 'this/her house'.  I don't have any
forms like "thatipi" - I'm checking to see if this is a shift in
Assiniboine grammar.

> Remind me - is haplology the techical term for 'it sounds really
weird if
> you repeat it, so they don't'?

I looked it up just now, and I might be misinterpreting: the
definitions give examples like library --> ['laybri].  I seem to
remember reading an article (by Sally Thomason?) that applies the term
to deletion of one of two identical morphemes that would otherwise
occur in sequence.  Now I need to look *that* up!


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