Haplology and TV from LSA.

R. Rankin rankin at ku.edu
Sat Jan 11 22:51:27 UTC 2003

> deletion of one of two identical morphemes that would otherwise
> occur in sequence.  Now I need to look *that* up!

Two identical or near-identical *syllables*.  They don't have to be morphemes.  The classic textbook example is Latin stipipendium.  pi+pe > pe.

BTW, my cousin in Indianapolis informs me that some of us were on CBS TV last Sunday a.m.  CBS apparently had a segment on the show hosted by Charles Osgood from LSA in Atlanta.  They did some filming in one of the SSILA sessions and my face apparently made it onto nationwide TV as part of the audience.  I have not seen the segment, but evidently I was very recognizable.  Maybe some of you were too.


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