i- in Dhegiha i-POSITIONAL=...CAUSE (RE: Word for 'prairie'?)

Rankin, Robert L rankin at ku.edu
Wed Feb 4 15:49:33 UTC 2004

> I've always associated the *k in these positional formations with the
*k in vertitive motion verbs, assuming it had something to do with
"returning to home position," or maybe something else more general like
"place with respect to something."

I've looked at all known K- prefixes and don't find the semantics of any
of them at all satisfying.

> I kind of wonder about the "organic" *k in the root *k?u 'to give',
too, though I think that may be just a plain dative, even though I don't
think *?u is attested.

It never occurred to me to try to decompose k?u or ku?, whichever it was
(it pops up both ways in different subgroups).


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