WA- once more.

Rory M Larson rlarson at unlnotes.unl.edu
Wed Jan 14 22:53:56 UTC 2004

> Everybody accepts that Dakota 1st singular agent, wa-, is different from
> plural indefinite patient, but Dhegihan 1st pl. patient, wa-a, must be
> distinguished from third pl. too.  And there may be others.

Thanks to Bob and John for pointing this out.  But
I'm going to ask again: Is this wa-a actually two
separate elements, i.e. wa + a ?  If so, are these
reversed in the causatives, where we have awa- for
the "us" form (but wa- for the "them" form)?  And
do we know that the wa- in wa-a is different from
the wa- in the 3rd pl. patient, or might they be
the same with an extra -a added for "us"?

Maybe I just need to ask Ardis for a copy of her


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