Lexical and syntactic compounding in Dakota

R. Rankin rankin at ku.edu
Sat May 29 17:00:04 UTC 2004

The verb is /ska'ta/ and it is an "ablauting" verb (Kaw cognate /ska'je/).  That
makes it a "C# root" in Dakotan.  The -t > -l before the boundary.  Beyond that,
I can't account for its behavior.


> s^ka'l o ma'ni (he goes playing about) (syntactic compound)and
> s^kal o' mani   (he goes about in order to play) (lexical compound)

> What is the nature and behavior of s^kal ?  Why doesn't it appear as
> s^ka'la in the syntactic compound.  Is it considered a C# root?  And
> does anyone have examples of its use in other constructions?  Thanks.

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