OP dhaN-Gender Nouns

Koontz John E John.Koontz at colorado.edu
Fri May 21 06:15:38 UTC 2004


That was a great list of body parts!  I'm grateful to you and the speakers
you worked with.  That list represents a lot of work!  I'm sorry to hear
of the death in the family of the two women.

I'm appending here the list of dhaN-nouns in the first 200 pages of
Dorsey.  It is more or less in agreement with the contemporary results,
with perhaps a few more dhaN forms at the expense of khe forms.  The logic
for dhaN vs. khe is not always clear to me.

Particular points of interest:

- I ran across 'right ear' and it took =dhaN, so perhaps =the is a set
form.  Nevertheless, there are any cases of non-set or singular forms with
sets, though perhaps not "all of" sets.

- The word for one of the lower aperatures occurs with dhaN.

- A number of forms appear here that have appeared in the earlier lists,
including parts and containers that I thought might be =the and =khe class

a'bakku 'nape of the neck'
dhe'ze 'tongue'
dhie' 'side' (of body)
he' 'horns (antlers) (of several elk)'
hiN' '(body) hair, fur'
hiNbe' 'moccasins'
iN'be 'tails (of turkeys)'
iNde' 'face'
iN'z^e 'v at g1na'
is^ta' 'eye(s)'
maN'ghe 'sky (cloud?)'
maNz^aN' 'land'
naN'b udhi'xdha 'ring'
naN'de 'heart'
na(N)s^ki' 'head'
na(N)z^i'ha 'hair (scalp)'
ne'udhis^aN 'lake'
ni'gha 'stomach'
niN' '(body of) water'
niN'de 'rump'
nitta' is^nu'ga 'right ear'
ppa' 'head'
ppa' 'heads (of seven-headed monster)'
ppa' 'heads (of several turkeys)'
ppahe' 'hill'
ppi' 'liver'
s^aN'de 'scrotum'
tta' 'jerked meat'
ttanu'kka 'fresh meat'
ttaN'waNgdhaN 'tribe (village)'
ttea'zaNttasi 'kidneys'
ttedhe'xe 'tongue(s) (of group of monster heads)'
tteppi' 'liver'
tti' 'circle of lodges'
tti'=i, wasa'be 'Blackbear village'  (modifier optional)
tti'=i 'village (not of Blackbears); circle of lodges'
tti'z^ebe 'door'
u?u'de 'hole (gap to see through)'
ubaN' 'fat around the kidneys'
u'daN=xti 'a piece of something very good to eat'
us^kaN' 'deed' ('the fact that ...' ?)
uxdhu'xaha 'woman's bag'
u'z^iha 'sack'
waba'snaN 'shoulder (of rabbit)'
wabdha'the=th e'gaN aNdha'?i 'what you gave me so I might eat'
wadha'ge 'hat'
wa'ga ma'=xaN=bi 'a slice cut off'
wai'iN 'robe'
wamiN' 'blood (clot?)'
wa'nanase 'buffalo pound (?)' = '(where) they surrounded many times'
was^iN' he'be 'piece of fat'
xa'de 'grass'

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