"vertitive" source identified

Marianne Mithun mithun at linguistics.ucsb.edu
Thu Oct 7 19:47:37 UTC 2004

I've generally used 'means and manner' affixes for these, because their
functions do blend this way. And they are not referential in the way that
nouns in an instrumental case are.

Marianne Mithun

--On Thursday, October 07, 2004 12:31 PM -0600 Koontz John E
<John.Koontz at colorado.edu> wrote:

> On Thu, 7 Oct 2004, Alan H. Hartley wrote:
>> Thanks to Terry and (and to Linda for her dogged research), 'vertitive'
>> and 'voltative' will be going to Oxford: we'll have to wait to see
>> whether they pass editorial muster for inclusion in the OED.
> I wonder about instrumental as a term for a morpheme indicating the
> instrument (hand, mouth, foot, etc.) or modality (force, pushing, etc.)
> used, or sometimes an impersonal agency (heat, wind, etc.) or for a form
> embodying such a morpheme.  I assume it's there for a nominal case form.

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