Siouan Infinitives

Koontz John E John.Koontz at
Thu Oct 14 03:32:51 UTC 2004

On Wed, 13 Oct 2004, Rory M Larson wrote:
> Just to get some concrete examples going here, do you mean
> the difference between things like:
>     Dhiza' (i).
>     He took/is taking/takes it.
> and
>     Dhize' tHe u'udaN ta akH(a).
>     take  nom. good   future-by-someone-else's-choice
>     Hopefully he will take it.

Yes, thanks, that would be one kind of example.


Ki  MoNshchiN'ge=akHa ikoN'=akHa zhu'gigtha=bi=ama
And Rabbit       the  grmo  the  he was with his own


MoNshchiN'ge ikoN'=thiNkHe zhu'gigthe       ahi'=bi=ama
Rabbit       grmo  the     he with his own  he arrived

Also maybe ibisoNde

xi'tha=akHa e     moNghe ibisoNde        ata=     xti
eagles the  those sky    pressed against far away very

And compound nouns like

moNzune'dhe 'stove'

And nominalized nouns like

wasa'be 'blackbear'

Further afield, I think sometimes the verb in relative clases is in the
e-grade, though this is certainly usually not the case.  I don't happen to
have any examples in hand, however.

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