
Koontz John E John.Koontz at
Thu Apr 28 20:24:25 UTC 2005

On Thu, 28 Apr 2005 mmccaffe at wrote:
> This name is also seen in the Illinois Country in the 1700s. I would have to
> dig around, but I'm pretty sure there was a Marie Padouca at Kaskaskia, among
> a few others with this name.

Yes, I's sure I've  seen names like that in Nasatir or Houck.

Also, in pointing to the difficulties of separating out direct
transmission of ethnonyms between Native American groups and via mediating
languages like French, I didn't mean to imply that I doubted that the
first could occur, or that connections might not be far flung.
Pre-Contact trading connections and simple information exchange were
probably at least as big a factor in this as hunting expeditions.  Direct
trade between Native American groups remained important after contact,
though I think some elements of it may have disappeared.  The Comanche are
particularly associated with the horse trade, and the Osage traded both
slaves and horses.

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