Jimm GoodTracks goodtracks at GBRonline.com
Wed Apr 27 14:56:59 UTC 2005

>>From 1825-1840, there was an Otoe leader named Shun'mañikathi (Prairie
Wolf), which appears in documents as "Chon-Moni-Case", "Shau-mone-kusse",
However, his actual name was overshawdowed by the name above "IATAN/ IOTAN".
This was the name given him by the fur traders, it is said, after his
successful encounter with the Comanche.  This name -- Iatan/ Iotan-- from
which towns have named "to honor the chief", is said to mean "Comanchi".
The usual name in IOM for Comanche is "Paduka" or even "Padoke" ("Wet Head"
if in reference to a human being OR "Wet Nose" if reference is to an
animal).  There was earlier dialog about this latter term as it appears in

My question is the source of the "Iatan/ Iotan"  term.  I can not make any
sence of it in IOM, and have concluded that is it from the Comanche
language? a French term? or what?
Has anyone come across this term for other tribal communities or have
information of the term origin.

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