David Kaufman dvklinguist2003 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 21 17:47:48 UTC 2005

Haweh Jimm,
Nice to know that Osage revitalization is moving right along.  And I like your quote:
> Language without cultural context isnt language, it's code. >
So true!

Jimm GoodTracks <goodtracks at gbronline.com> wrote:
This is an update on the Osage Language Program at Pawhuska, Okla, which may or may not be shared with the other two Osage communities of Grey Horse and Hominy.  I thought I'd forward it in part for those interested in the progress of applied linguistics in the home communities of any particular language represented on this list.  
"Hawe' "  is Osage for Greetings!
----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 9:26 PM
Subject: HAWEH

i got carolyns book...
she did a lot of work in that book and no doubt she probably knows more about Osage than I do. after reading it I am much more aware in a general sense of Osage grammar. however she has written her book for academic peers and not Osages. Talee has been coaching me through the book as he seems to be about the only one who has grasped it (he was an editor on it)    Its a good book with lots of good information but it is written way out of the reach of an everyday Osage.    Even when Talee explains it he is off the charts of most people.   So I am kind of trying to fill the role of talee translating caroylns book and im translating talee and trying to explain it to normal people. 

I ordered all that sound and video equipment for the Osage. Got them trained on how to use it.   Good Mics. Good Camera's. Good everything. They are making their language cds now. They sound professional.   They are also making videos for kids and adults as well.   
The Osage alphabet is progressing along. Although I wish I could have more input on it since I have a lot of knowledge in typography and type design and how it needs to be cohesive.   Right now they are making 1 letter at a time.   That to me is scary.   But they decided to not introduce the alphabet to new students till further along in the curriculum.   This will prevent any fouling up of the words after a student has a good handle on all the Osage sounds...  Hearing them first, before seeing them I think is important.  
 I got to meet Justin McBride. Very bright & very intelligent guy. I like his approach to language and his understanding and comprehension of Kaw.   His approach is more holistic and i think thats why i agree with a lot of what he says.   Language without cultural context isnt language, it's code. 

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