What is a root? A Stem? (Re: Siouan root constraints)

David Costa pankihtamwa at earthlink.net
Fri Feb 4 04:41:21 UTC 2005

To make a brief non-Siouan digression, 'root' and 'stem' are not the same
thing in Algonquian, either. Basically, a stem is something inflectible.
Roots, however, are essentially minimal derivational parts, and combine
with other derivational parts to make inflectible stems. Some roots can also
function as stems, but not most.


> I use the word "root", but I think most Siouanists prefer "stem".  If someone
> wants to clarify the difference between these two terms in their Siouan usage
> I would appreciate it, but perhaps that's a question for another day.

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