More on phonetic characters

R. Rankin rankin at
Sat Feb 12 16:56:08 UTC 2005

I'm probably telling everybody what they already knew,
but I didn't know this, so . . . .

I was experimenting with CHARMAP.EXE, the little
Microsoft utility that comes with Windows (just search
for the file name), and found that if you 'select' a
character from any of your fonts, you can 'drag and
drop' it quickly and easily into your document. I had
given up on this utility because its buttons, 'select'
and 'copy' did NOT function with Microsoft Word. But
the utility DOES work in the 'drag and drop' function.
And it provides a more concise, but not as convenient
and well-organized, interface than the Ishida files.

There are some circumstances when charmap.exe is
quicker and easier than using the 'insert symbol'
utility within Word.  And 'insert symbol' doesn't allow
'drag and drop' -- you have to follow the button


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