Free font editing program on your computer.

R. Rankin rankin at
Sat Mar 26 16:52:25 UTC 2005

Here is another one of those things that probably
nearly everybody but me already knew but a few might
find helpful.

If you have Windows 2000 or XP and have installed
"Service Pack 2" there is a free font editor program
included that will enable you to modify already
existing characters or create new characters for any or
all of your true type font sets. This is very handy for
special phonetic characters.

Microsoft has hidden this program well and I happened
on it by accident while researching various font
problems in the Word Help file. It was probably
included as an afterthought and information about it is
not completely incorporated in the Search mechanism of
the Help file. You can find it and create a shortcut to
it by clicking on START, then SEARCH "all files and
folders" and typing the file name in the search box. It
is called EUDCEDIT.EXE It will bring up a grid
on-screen that you can use for whatever character you
choose. Windows automatically fills out the pixelated
outline you produce to make a well-formed new or
modified character. Since it produces "True Type"
output, I assume whatever you make will print out OK
too, but I have not tried printing yet.


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