
Rankin, Robert L rankin at
Tue May 31 18:12:21 UTC 2005

I don't think what I said about potential cognates for John's /bikkode/
[bikkude] came out the way I intended.  Dakotan /-khota/ is indeed a
potential match for Omaha /-kkode/, pronounced [-kkude], because /-e/ >
/-a/ by analogy in Dakota.  BUT the actual Dakotan morpheme /-khota/,
with its allomorph /khola/ 'friend' has an organic final /-a/, and so
would have /-a/ in all the Dhegiha dialects.  Thus the Omaha word cannot
be an actual cognate with 'friend'.  It has to come from somewhere else.
And it would be in homonymic clash with khota (the allomorph of
'friend') in Dakotan.


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