kuku'i ghost

Alan H. Hartley ahartley at d.umn.edu
Fri Sep 2 21:14:22 UTC 2005

The OED has:

Cucuy(o) (also cucuio, cocuyo, cucullo, cucujo). [Sp. cucuyo, adaptation 
of a Haitian or other native American name.]

The West Indian firefly (Pyrophorus noctilucus), an elaterid beetle 
which emits brilliant phosphorescent light from spots on the body.

1591 SYLVESTER Du Bartas I. v. 794 New-Spain's Cucuio, in his forehead 
brings Two burning Lamps, two underneath his wings. 1647 W. BROWNE 
Polexander I. 97 These little Cucuyes..mingle their living lights with 
the obscuritie of this Dungeon. 1692 COLES, Cucuye, a bird in 
Hispaniola, with eyes under the wings, shining in the night. 1706 
PHILLIPS (ed. Kersey), Cucuyos, a king of Fly in America, which gives 
such a Lustre in the Night that one may..write and read by the Light of 
it. [and later]

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