2007 Siouan Conference.

Koontz John E John.Koontz at colorado.edu
Fri Dec 1 21:13:15 UTC 2006

On Fri, 1 Dec 2006, ROOD DAVID S wrote:
> Someone needs to make a choice.  Originally the system was to be for the
> host of the meeting in Year X to find the meeting spot for Year X + 1.  I
> suggest that Randy look at the alternatives and made an executive decision
> for us.

If you want to vote on this, send your vote or comment to Randolph Graczyk
<Rgraczyk at aol.com>.  Randy, I do not believe you are obliged to consider
the numbers or the comments.  As I understand it, by unwritten custom
Randy is not required to ask for votes or to adhere to any balloting that
may occur.

I believe that the effective qualifications for electorship are that you
be present at the conference to vote.  Perhaps under present circumstances
the electors should be limited to those who have attended one of the last
two or three meetings, known as Grand Ordinators of the Flock, or
otherwise Good Ol' Folks.

On the other hand, Randy, I believe that the incumbant, known as the
Current Host or Occupant of the Hot Seat, has always followed the
perceived will of the majority.  The position combines all the worst
features of the Ancient Greek scheme of generals-for-a-day and traditional
Siouan chieftaincies.  It does have the virtue of producing a decision,
and that is very difficult to accomplish when a meander of cats, or a body
of linguists, sits, or rather, mills around as a whole.  Randy can, of
course, in the circumstances, claim that he decided based upon the ballot!

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