DPs and Demonstratives

Rory M Larson rlarson at unlnotes.unl.edu
Fri Feb 24 03:08:24 UTC 2006

Bob wrote:
> Then, of course, there's the question whether Siouan has "modifiers" in
the Indo-European or Semitic sense.  I think most of us agree that these
things have verbal force (or are simply verbs) in Siouan.

Yes, I'd certainly agree with that.  But I think Bryan's example is a fair
analogy to the point we were discussing.  Is the combination N dem-det an
apposition with N and dem-det standing separately as two co-equal nominals,
or does the dem-det modify/restrict/classify the N such that the N is the
sole head of the N dem-det noun phrase?  Or can there be an intermediate
interpretation?  Perhaps it is ambiguous or ambivalent even within the
population of native speakers?


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