Lakota ki- 'to become by itself'

Jan Ullrich jfu at
Tue Dec 11 08:39:02 UTC 2007

>  Regina's mention of kini as in the radio station reminded me of kili,
the other radio station, which is translated often as "awesome",  
>  if that is how it is spelt.  I have often wondered what the origin of
this word is.  It doesn't seem to have a recognizable root or any
> It seems an odd word for such a necessary concept. Any clues? 
It is a common colloquialism and pronounced with aspirated kh: khili'. 
It is most likely related to okhilita 'it is exciting, thrilling,
intense, dramatic, a to-do, crowds, there is much action'.
The -lita part might be related to archaic words walitakA 'to be
courageous and full of valor, industrious and active' and to litas^kaN
'to be very busy'. 
I am uncertain as to the origin of khi, but I don't think it is
impossible that it originates in the stem khi- 'in contact'
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