Lakota ki- 'to become by itself'

Jan Ullrich jfu at
Tue Dec 11 21:52:55 UTC 2007


(quoting  Regina )
Jan said that the ki- in my previous example ki-was^tecakA should be
analyzed as a dative, rather than as ki- 'to become'. I responded that
both options might be possible. I'm still defending that claim, but
meantime I found rich documentation of dative ki- in ki-was^tecakA in my
own data, with both types of datives. For instance:
waki-was^tecake 'I was good to him'
Yes, this was the reason why I mentioned that. The dative usage with
was^tecaka is just so very frequent that most speakers will immediatelly
understand kiwas^tecaka as a dative. Another sentence example is Lila
tanyan makhuwa na makiwas^tecake. - She treated me well and was very
kind to me.
I am sure that at least some of them will recognize the ki- "become"
meaning as well, but it just isn't a very common thing to say. When one
wants to command some one else to behave, they usually say Owanz^ila
yaNka yo/ye. or TaNyaN ophiic'iya yo.

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