your mail

Koontz John E John.Koontz at
Tue Jun 19 15:33:39 UTC 2007

On Sat, 16 Jun 2007, goodtracks at wrote:

> Bob, John, Johannes, whoever: Does the following gloss "....she makes me 
> jealous for her" (female speaker)  seem to fit the English notion of 
> "She makes me jealous."???

I'd say, "she makes me jealous of her."

> Wáße irókunpi náha aré áma wáñi mínachi ñíthinhingihi ki,
> Because she has all the good looking men all the time, she makes me 
> jealous for/ of her.
> ñíthin    =    jealous
> ñíthinhi    =    cause one to be jealous
> ñíthin + hin (I/ me)  + (for/ to)  +  hi  (causative suffix).
> Thanking you in advance for your review(s)
> Jimm

You're welcome!

I'm wondering if a dative is needed here. Isn't hiN the regular patient 
form for the first person?  Would 'she makes me jealous' or 'it makes me 
jealous' work here?

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