
Jonathan Holmes okibjonathan at
Mon Nov 5 11:40:12 UTC 2007

Thanks so very much for the help.

Clive Bloomfield <cbloom at> wrote:
      Am 04.11.2007 um 19:49 schrieb Jonathan Holmes:
    Could someone help me with an english translation to the following Lakota sentances?

  Another version - no great differences, but I needed the practise :

    taku kin lena mayakipazo ca iwanblake na wastelo ca pilamaye yelo.  

  "I've looked over (considered) these things you have shown me, and they're great, so I'm obliged to you."  
          (prob. : "pilamaYAye lo"(2pSg. Subj.), rather than "pilamaye lo"(3pSg. Subj) - unless latter was ikceya-woglakapi for former, with 'yelo' added as afterthought??)

     na wanna woiyunge wanji bluha, ehanni wicasa kin lena tonweyapi ewicakiyab.   

  "And now, I've got a question, (regarding/speaking of) these men who were called 'scouts', in the old days."
    taku isam wounspemiciciye wacin ca tuktel iwanblakin kte nains iyewaye owakihi hwo?  

"I want to learn some more, so where should I consider (looking), or where might I find it?"     

    taku kin lena wounspe wacin, wicasa kin lena toske inahmapi hwo? nahan ehan taku hayapi kin unpi hwo?  

"I'd like some information (lit. "instruction/lesson") on the following things : "           
          (Is "wounspe" in genitival relation with preceding "taku kin lena" : "instruction OF (on/about) these matters"?)

  "How did these men practise concealment?"

  "And what sort of clothes did they wear at the time?"



  Tuppence-ha'penny worth from the Land of the Big Dry!





  On 05/11/2007, at 7:43 AM, Alfred W. Tüting wrote:

    I appreciate what you have pointed out to me, it is good, thanks to you. Now I've one (more?) question: I'd like to learn more about those men whom they called "tonweyapi" (scouts, spys) in former times, and where can I look for it or find (smth.)? 

  (I'm not sure with the following): ?? What I want (a) lesson (of), how(??) did these men hide (keep secret) then (toksha?? = toske??)? And what clothing did they wear?

  Alfred (my tuppence)



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