Antw: Re: 30th Annual Siouan and Caddoan Conference

Johannes Helmbrecht Johannes.Helmbrecht at
Thu Apr 29 15:04:39 UTC 2010

Hi John,

many thanks for the conference announcement and the reminder. 

I would simply like to emphasize with regard to the workshop on comparative
Siouan linguistics that it would be helpful if authors of previous papers would
provide us with a kind of easy to handle questionnnaire to facilitate the
collection of additional data which are required to finish these older
contributions to our workshops in the past. We really should aim at finalizing
at least a set of papers from our previous workshops 

My abstract for this years workshop follows.
Possession in Siouan languages

Languages usually have more than one construction to express a possessive
relationship and the various individual possessive constructions in a language
usually express semantically different relations which are traditionally
subsumed under the notion of possession such as part-whole relationships,
kinship relationships, prototypical ownership, and others. Hocank and the other
Siouan languages are no exception from this many-to-many relationship between
possessive constructions and semantic kind of possession. In the proposed
paper, I will focus on NP-internal types of possession in Siouan languages
leaving aside, for instance, the reflexive possession and the predicative
possession on the sentence level. The various NP-internal possessive
constructions will be examined according to the semantic/syntactic nature of
the possessor (empathy hierarchy), and the semantic nature of the possessed
(alienable/ inalienable distinctions). As usual, I will start from Hocank and
will then try to work my way through some of the other Siouan languages
comparing the constructions there with the ones in Hocank. It will be shown
that the choice of the different NP-internal possessive constructions depends
on both semantic scales or parameters but in very specific ways.



Professor Dr. Johannes Helmbrecht
Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft
Philosophische Fakultät III 
(Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften)
Universität Regensburg
Universitätsstrasse 31
D-93053 Regensburg

Tel. 0941/943-3388
Tel. 0941/943-3387 (Sekretariat)
Fax. 0941/943-3329 
johannes.helmbrecht at 
>>> Northeastern university <jp-boyle at> schrieb am 27.04.2010 um 21:59
Nachricht <C7FCAC3B.F460%jp-boyle at>:
> Hi Everyone,
> This is just a reminder that conference abstracts are due on May 14.  If
> could let me know if you would like a 30 minute time slot or if you will
> need more time (an hour slot).
> I'm trying to get a rough idea as to who will be presenting and who will be
> present so that I can get a rough draft of schedule going.  If you could
> please e-mail and let me know if you will be presenting and if you could
> send me a working paper title that would be most helpful.  If you plan on
> attending but not presenting, I would appreciate it if you could also drop
> me an e-mail so we can make sure we are prepared for everyone (name tags,
> volumes of coffee, snacks, etc.).
> In addition to the conference, Johannes and I would like to keep the
> momentum going for the Comparative Siouan Workshop.  We would like people
> either A) present new findings, or B) present or prepare your old/current
> data with a section titled "What I need to finish".  We would like to
> encourage everyone to see what they are missing (what data from what
> languages) and let everyone know so that we can all help each other in
> finishing this task we have all undertaken.
> If you have any questions, please let me know.
> All the best,
> John
> John P. Boyle
> Assistant Professor
> Department of Linguistics

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