plea for help from Mac users

shokooh Ingham shokoohbanou at
Wed Jan 5 15:34:10 UTC 2011

Dear all,  
Do any of you use a mac?  I think I'm in the minority by using them.  I need to develop a font for writing Lakota.  It needs to have the possibility of an acute accent for vowel stress, a long n for the nasal vowels, an inverted comma to make p'-, t'- c'- and k'- and a hatchek to go over s-, z-, c-, g- and h-.  I don't mind how pedestrian it is and if I have to put the hatcheks on separately that's OK.  Macs used to be easy, but the more advanced they have become, the less things you can do in your own way.  I have of course got unicode, but it's difficult to make a font with it.
Hope someone can help.


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